SXCM : Repository role

The purpose of this role is to create and delete a git repository on the selected provider. This role is part of the STARTX sxcm ansible collection.


  • Ansible runtime
  • Installation of the requirements with ansible-galaxy install -r meta/requirements.yml

Role Variables

Key Variable Description
sx_repo_action [create, delete] (default: create) Action to perfom on the gitops repository
sx_repo_provider [gitlab, codecommit] repository provider
sx_repo_name any git valid name Name of the repository (mandatory)
sx_repo_url valid git url Url to use for the remote repository. If vault is enabled, will be generated and stored into vault on creation and retrived during init for all other operations. If vault is disabled must be set every times
sx_repo_access_mode [http, git] Protocol to use for various actions
sx_repo_ssh_key ssh private key Private key to use for repository (stored in vault if enabled)
sx_repo_ssh_keypub valid ssh public key Public key to use for repository (stored in vault if enabled)
sx_repo_info.mode log not used
sx_repo_info.suffix info-repository.txt not used
sx_repo_info.dest /tmp not used
sx_repo_gitlab_api_url any gitlab instance url (default: Gitlab URL for api transaction
sx_repo_gitlab_api_token gitlab api token Gitlab token to authenticate for api usage
sx_repo_gitlab_userspace gitlab username Gitlab userspace used to create repository
sx_repo_gitlab_keyname repository ssh key name name of the ssh key declared into the gitlab repository
sx_repo_gitlab_groupid N/A Group for the repository to be created
sx_repo_vault_enable boolean (default:false) Enable storing repository description to vault. use ansiblehashi_vault* variables, see documentation
sx_repo_vault_path any kv path Path to the configuration store (kv path may be differ depending on version, see documentation)
sx_repo_vault_cache {} not used
sx_repo_vault_cascadedelete false not used
ia_codecommit_* if provider is codecommit use startx infra collection documentation configuration


Example playbooks

Create codecommit repository playbook

Create codecommit repository default configuration.

- name: Create codecommit repository
  hosts: localhost
    - role: startxfr.sxcm.repository
        sx_repo_action: "create"
        sx_repo_provider: "codecommit"
        sx_repo_name: "myrepository"
        # ia_codecommit_branch: "master"
        ia_codecommit_aws_accessKey: "AKIAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
        ia_codecommit_aws_secretKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
        ia_codecommit_aws_region: "eu-west-3"

Create gitlab repository playbook

Create gitlab repository default configuration.

- name: Create gitlab repository
  hosts: localhost
    - role: startxfr.sxcm.repository
        sx_repo_action: "create"
        sx_repo_provider: "gitlab"
        sx_repo_name: "myrepository"
        sx_repo_gitlab_api_url: ""
        sx_repo_gitlab_api_token: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
        sx_repo_gitlab_userspace: "startx-demo"
        sx_repo_gitlab_groupid: "startx-demo"
        sx_repo_gitlab_keyname: "generated-key"
        sx_repo_vault_enable: false

Info repository playbook

Get information on default repository.

- name: Information repository
  hosts: localhost
    - role: startxfr.sxcm.repository
        sx_repo_action: "info"

Delete repository playbook

Delete repository default configuration.

- name: Delete repository
  hosts: localhost
    - role: startxfr.sxcm.repository
        sx_repo_action: "delete"
        sx_repo_provider: "codecommit"
        sx_repo_name: "myrepository"
        ia_codecommit_aws_accessKey: "AKIAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
        ia_codecommit_aws_secretKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
        ia_codecommit_aws_region: "eu-west-3"