SXCM : Cluster role

The purpose of this role is to create, start, stop, deploy, profiles, info, delete and destroy an OCP/OKD cluster. This role is part of the STARTX sxcm ansible collection.


  • Ansible runtime
  • Installation of the requirements with ansible-galaxy install -r meta/requirements.yml
  • This depend on the startxfr.sxcm.workingcopy role context. If not already executed into your playbook, this role wil be initialize.

Role Variables

Key Default Description
sx_cluster_action none The action to perform (could be create, start, stop, deploy, profiles, info, delete, destroy)
sx_cluster_config_name demox cluster name
sx_cluster_config_scope dprn scope name
sx_cluster_config_environment dev environment name
sx_cluster_config_owner startx owner name
sx_cluster_config_kind managed cluster kind (management or managed)
sx_cluster_config_profile default cluster profile (used during creation)
sx_cluster_config_baseDomain cluster base domain (used during creation)
sx_cluster_config_pullSecret ’‘ cluster pull secret used for provisionning (used during installation)
sx_cluster_config_sshKey ’‘ cluster ssh key used during provisionning
sx_cluster_opts_config_file install-config.yaml cluster configuration filename
sx_cluster_opts_deployedmarker_file .is-deployed is-deployed marker filename
sx_cluster_opts_startedmarker_file .is-started is-started marker filename
sx_cluster_install_definition ”“ Variable used to load the content of the install-config.yaml yaml file
sx_cluster_exist false gitops cluster configuration exist (boolean)
sx_cluster_deployed false gitops cluster is deployed (boolean)
sx_cluster_started false gitops cluster is started (boolean)
sx_cluster_info.suffix info-cluster.txt Destination suffix for the cluster informations filename
sx_cluster_info.dest /tmp Destination directory for the cluster informations
sx_cluster_profiles_suffix cluster-profiles.txt Destination suffix for the cluster profiles list
sx_cluster_profiles_dest /tmp Destination directory for the cluster profiles list
sx_cluster_profiles_list nano, default Profiles list
sx_cluster_commit_message default commit message gitops commit message


Example playbooks

Create cluster playbook

Configure a git repository to store the new cluster definition.

- name: Create cluster configuration
  hosts: localhost
    - role: startxfr.sxcm.cluster
        sx_cluster_action: create
          name: mycluster
          scope: myscope
          environment: myenv
          owner: startx
          kind: managed
          profile: default
          pullSecret: { "auths": { "fake": { "auth": "aWQ6cGFzcwo=" } } }
          sshKey: "my_ssh_key"

Deploy cluster playbook

Deploy a previously created environment

- name: Deploy cluster
  hosts: localhost
    - role: startxfr.sxcm.cluster
        sx_cluster_action: deploy
          name: mycluster
          scope: myscope
          environment: myenv
          owner: startx
          kind: managed
          profile: default

Info cluster playbook

Get information about a cluster

- name: Info cluster
  hosts: localhost
    - role: startxfr.sxcm.cluster
        sx_cluster_action: info
          name: mycluster
          scope: myscope
          environment: myenv
          owner: startx
          kind: managed
          profile: default

Destroy cluster playbook

Destroy cluster service.

- name: destroy cluster
  hosts: localhost
    - role: startxfr.sxcm.cluster
        sx_cluster_action: destroy
          name: mycluster
          scope: myscope
          environment: myenv
          owner: startx
          kind: managed
          profile: default